

Homeopathy is a system of natural medicine which uses small doses of natural substances to stimulate the body’s healing capacity. This method was originally developed by a German physician named Samuel Hahnemann. Homeopathy has developed further through the work of medical doctors, naturopaths and homeopathic physicians.

The remedies used by homeopaths are made from natural substances, and are side effect free. Reid Bruggemann is classically trained in homeopathic practice, and has a broad range of clinical experience. He has helped clients with concerns ranging from seasonal illness to adhd, long-term health issues, and recovery from physical and emotional trauma. Call to learn more, and to make an appointment.


“Reid has helped our family many times with homeopathy. My children and I had a variety of health problems that improved through his careful, attentive work. We trust and appreciate his help. 

— Anne S.